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Exercise 20

  • Create a index20.html file
  • Copy and paste the following HTML code:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Learing CSS</title>
<div class="container">
  • After applying all styles the document must look like this:

Ex 20 Ex 20

  • Add a style element
  • Select the container class element and apply the following style:
    • Background color must be #eee
    • Use Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif as font family
    • Font color must be white
    • Use 1px solid gray as border for all sides
  • Select the div elements that are childrend of the container class element and apply the following style
    • Position must be relative
    • Width and Height must be 200px
    • Background color must be red
    • Font size must be 72px
    • Center align text
    • Line height must be 200px
    • Use the following 0 2px 1px #777 values as box shadow
    • Use the following 0 2px 1px #777 values as text-shadow
  • Select the hover pseudo class for div elements that are children of the container class element and apply the following style:
    • Border radius must be 10px
    • Background color must be #ddd
  • Select the first div element that's children of the container class element (use pseudo class)
    • Top must be 0px
    • Left must be 60px
  • Select the last div element that's children of the container class element (use pseudo class)
    • Top must be 0px
    • Left must be 260px
  • Change the top and left properties values from the divs that are children of the container class and see what happens
  • Try 0 and 0 values to see the initial point
  • Try negative values