Exercise 62
- Create a new index62.js file
- Define monthNumber variable and assign a number between 1 and 12
- Define monthName variable and assign null as value
- define monthDays variable and assign null as value
- Use a switch statement
- Depending the monthNumber value assign the corresponding monthName and monthDays values
- January - 31 days
- February - 28 days in a common year and 29 days in leap years
- March - 31 days
- April - 30 days
- May - 31 days
- June - 30 days
- July - 31 days
- August - 31 days
- September - 30 days
- October - 31 days
- November - 30 days
- December - 31 days
- If monthName & monthDays are null then show an error message
- Else show the following message: %monthName% is the selected month and has %monthDays%
- Try all the posible cases/scenarios (even the error message) by changing the weekdayNumber value