Exercise 61
- Create a new index61.js file
- Define weekdayNumber and assign a numeric value between 1 and 7
- If weekday number is 1 show the following message: Today it's Monday
- If weekday number is 2 show the following message: Today it's Tuesday
- If weekday number is 3 show the following message: Today it's Wednesday
- If weekday number is 4 show the following message: Today it's Thursday
- If weekday number is 5 show the following message: Today it's Friday
- If weekday number is 6 show the following message: Today it's Saturday
- If weekday number is 7 show the following message: Today it's Sunday
- If weekday number it's not bettwen 1 and 7 show an error message: Error: Please input a number bettwen 1 and 7
Switch version:
- Use a switch statement to show weekday name using the weekday variable value
IF/ELSE/IF version:
After the switch version create the same functionality but using if/else/if statement
Try all the posible cases/scenarios (even the error message) by changing the weekdayNumber value
- Once you have the code working for both statements refactor the code as follows
- Don't use console.log() inside the switch statement
- Instead add a message variable so each case only adds the selected weekname message
- Use only one console.log() after the switch statement to show the result and error