Exercise 152
- Create a new index152.js
- Define a user variable and assign a literal object with the following properties:
- property: username, value: null
- property: password, value: null
- method: greet
- method: updatePassword
- method: updaterUsername
- The greet method shows the following message as output if username property is not null
Hello, I'm user %username%
- Else show the following output:
Please assign a username value
- The updaterUsername accepts a string value as parameter
- This method will set the username property value
- You need to assign the parameter value to the username property
- The updatePassword accepts a string value as parameter
- This method will set the password property value
- You need to assign the parameter value to the password property
- Call the greet method (username and password are null at this point)
- Call updaterUsername passing a username value as string
- Call updatePassword passing a password value as string
- Call the greet method again (you should see the expected output)