Exercise 107
- Create a new index107.js file
- Define a biggerNumber function that will expect two parameters with the name firstNumber and secondNumber (numeric)
- Call the biggerNumber and pass two numbers as parameters 3 for firstNumber and 5 for secondNumber
- The biggerNumber must the following output: Number %firstNumber% is bigger than %secondNumber%
- In this case you need to validate which number is bigger than the other to get the right feature and output
- Also add the validation to check if both numbers are equal, if so then show the following message: Both numbers are %number%
- Make sure that the parameters are numbers, you can use typeof for it
- Show a error message in case any of the parameters are not number
- Call the biggerNumber with the following parameters: 6 and 3
- Call the biggerNumber with the following parameters: 2 and 2