Exercise 42
- Create the following folder/file structure:
| |-- batman.png
| |-- batmanwb.png
| |-- flash.png
| |-- flashwb.png
| |-- superman.png
| |-- supermanwb.png
| |-- wonder_woman.png
| |-- wonder_womanwb.png
|-- index.html
|-- style.css
|-- script.js
- Download the following superheroes images and add the to the img folder
- Create a basic HTML document
- Link the css
file - Link the js
- Select the body element and add the following properties:
- Background color: #eee
- Select all the img elements and add the following properties:
- Border: 1px solid black
- Left, right & Bottom margin: 20px
- Cursor must be pointer
- Border radius: 10px
- Select the hover pseudoclass for images and add the following properties:
- Box shadow: 2px 2px 16px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.75)
- Define a images array and add all the images names (only if wb is part of the name) and extension
- Create a img element for each image in the images array
- Set the image
attribute with the image name (example: batmanwb.png) - We'll show the black and white pictures When the document gets rendered
- Replace the black and white picture for the color one when the user rolls over the image element (like it's active)
- Replace the color image for the black and white one when the user rolls out of the image element (like it's inactive again)
- Show an alert with the superhero name in upper case when the user clicks on an image using
- Append all the created image elements to the body element
- The images has almost the same name for black and white and color
- You can use the picture name to show the superheroe name